Monthly "Then and Now" 

Each month we will post a "look back" at an event that happened 50 years ago, and when possible, post an oral history (either video, audio, or text) from someone involved in that event! 

December 1970 - December 2020 

12\3\70 – Fairlee, Bradford Vt., United Opinion

“Another Fairlee winner was Scott Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Marsh, who received a Winchester 32 Special, at the drawing Sunday, Nov. 22, by the Boy Scout Troop 36 in Fairlee-Orford”


12\3\70 – Orford, Hanover, N.H. Granite State Gazette

“Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pease and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pease and family of Orford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pease and son. Glenn, of Lancaster, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cesan and two children, of Feeding Hills, Mass., were all guests on Thanksgiving Day of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pease and family in Laconia. There were 21 present at the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Cesan spent the weekend with Mrs. Cesan’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pease and family; and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pease and son, Glenn, spent the weekend with Arthur’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pease.”


12\10\70 – Orford, Bradford Vt., United Opinion

“Sp.4 Arnold Fillian has arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Fillian, having received his discharge from service, Dec. 1. He was in for two years, serving one year in Vietnam in the Tank Corps.”

“A son, Russell Leland, was born Thursday, Dec. 3, at Cottage Hospital in Woodsville, to Mr. and Mrs. David Weeks. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nutter”


12\10\70 – Orford, Hanover, N.H. Granite State Gazette

“Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pease were business visitors in Lebanon on Wednesday of last week.”


12\17\70 – Orford, Bradford Vt., United Opinion

“Orford Wins 3rd Straight: The Orford Wildcats, a surprisingly strong contender in the Upper Valley, won their third straight basketball tilt Friday night by downing Chelsea, 75-46. The game was strictly a run-away, with Orford leading 64-23 after three quarters. Gene Pease and Charlie Pierce led the Wildcats with 22 points each.  Orford was playing at Williamstown Tuesday night as this paper went to press.”


12\17\70 – Orford, Hanover, N.H. Granite State Gazette

“The annual Christmas Eve Candle Lighting service will be held at the Orfordville Church  Wednesday, Dec. 24th, at 7:30 p.m. There will be special music by the Orfordville Junior Choir, a brief message by the pastor, and the candlelighting service. All are welcome.”

“The young people of the Pilgrim Fellowship will go out singing Christmas carols Tuesday evening, Dec. 23rd, to the sick and shut-ins.”

“On Christmas Sunday, there will be special music by the choirs in both churches. The pastor’s sermon will be “The Christian Star Of Hope.” There will be a presentation of white gifts at the Orford Church. These gifts will be used to make up baskets for sick and shut-in folks.”

“S.Sgt. William McKee left on Tuesday for Korea on a 13-month special assignment. Mrs. McKee and their sons, Henry and William, will stay with William’s aunt, Mrs. Henry Horton.”

“Captain Lloyd Donnelly arrived at the home of his mother, Mrs. Leslie Donnelly, from Bloomington, Ind., where he is attending the University of Indiana for his master’s degree. Mr. Donnelly was with them for the weekend from the V.A. Hospital at White River Junction. Mrs. Donnelly’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn of Milford were with them for part of the weekend.”


12\24\70 – Orford, Bradford Vt., United Opinion

“Capt. and Mrs. Lloyd Donnelly are spending the Christmas holiday with Lloyd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Donnelly. Lloyd is attending Indiana University at Bloomington, Ind.”

“2nd Lt. Glennon Clark is spending two weeks leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark. Glennon has been stationed at Camp Pendleton, Cal. After his leave, he will be sent to Okinawa. [From Glen, 9\25\18: “I went to Okinawa for 3 days then off to Vietnam.”]”

“Mrs. Edna Hartley of Woodsville, and her grandson, Michael Orbzut of Ludlow, Mass., spent several days last week with Mrs. Hartley’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pease. Two other sisters, Miss Dorice Pease and Mrs. Amon Burnham of West Rumney were with the family Wednesday”

“T/Sgt. William McKee is home on furlough until after Christmas. He is spending it with his wife and sons, Henry and William, at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Henry Horton. He is now stationed in Korea.”


12\24\70 – Orford, Hanover, N.H. Granite State Gazette

“Miss Dorice Pease and Mrs. Amon Burnham of West Rumney visited their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pease, on Wednesday of last week.”

“Residents of Orford should be aware of a home lighting contest being sponsored by the Connecticut Valley Jaycees and the Central Vermont Public Service Corp. Homes in Orford along with those in Fairlee, Bradford, Newbury and Piermont will be judged between Dec. 23 and 30. Three electric blankets will be given as prized in this area.”


12\31\70 – Orford, Bradford Vt., United Opinion

“Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pease entertained at Christmas their three sons, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pease and family from Laconia, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pease and son from Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pease and family from Orford.”

November 1970 - November 2020 

11\5\1970 - Orford - Bradford Opinion

"The Orford firemen and their wives had supper Friday evening at the Log Cabin. There were 18 who attended."

11\19\1970 - Orford - Bradford Opinion

"A new 4-H club was started in Orford, called the Orford Cow Wranglers. Officers are President, Rendell Tullar; vice-president, Pat Tullar; secretary, Steve Tullar; treasurer, Keith Clark and reporter, John Bunten. On Nov. 9, they discussed showing calves and the good and bad points of them and their fine quality as future milkers. There will be regular meetings the first Monday of each month."